Mother oh mother
Why did you forsake me so
Was I the least of your children
Was it my ugliness?
Perhaps you thought me defective
Because I didn't tslk until I was almost 4
Didn't talk, not so much as a single word by 5
You took mr to doctor after doctor
To find out what was wrong with me
But none ever did
I finally started talking right before kindergarten
Not baby talk but talked as a full grown human
Sometime, somehow I had taught myself to read
Still it was never enough
I felt less then
Sraight A's didn't count, nor awards
Nothing I did was good enough for you
When the divorce came I was told I would be living with you
Yet just one year later you planned a move
A two bedroom apartment with four of us
It was not big enough to house us so I was basically told to go
find a new place to live.
I was 15 and all alone
So alone unloved
I was never good enough for you.
I remember my first poem that was published (5th grade)
It was my badge of honor
To you it meant nothing
I still feel that lack of
Less then when I see my mom
Why couldn't mommy love me?