Fate's Hammer
Hallowed be thy name
Well until you make a wrong turn
The path comes to a dead end
Time is running out hurry hurry
The cries of the lost angels
Bleeding from wounds
Inflicted by fate's power
Swift and mighty
The hammer of justice
Brings down the evil doers
Rejoice now ye who hath been faithful
Thy rod in your hand can be released
Until the need is past
The end of hatred
Peace and love
Drift slowly across the land
Beautiful rainbows appear
Voices are raised in song
Time has slowed as the cries
Of the bleeding ones rise
From this day forth
Fate's promise kept
The mighty will of the people
Have taken Thor's hammer
Until the end, time cries
Bleeding from fate's mighty hammer
©kismet 4/26/10
Hallowed be thy name
Well until you make a wrong turn
The path comes to a dead end
Time is running out hurry hurry
The cries of the lost angels
Bleeding from wounds
Inflicted by fate's power
Swift and mighty
The hammer of justice
Brings down the evil doers
Rejoice now ye who hath been faithful
Thy rod in your hand can be released
Until the need is past
The end of hatred
Peace and love
Drift slowly across the land
Beautiful rainbows appear
Voices are raised in song
Time has slowed as the cries
Of the bleeding ones rise
From this day forth
Fate's promise kept
The mighty will of the people
Have taken Thor's hammer
Until the end, time cries
Bleeding from fate's mighty hammer
©kismet 4/26/10