Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Become or Undone

Become or Undone

A small taste was all I needed
To fuel the flames
From the time before time
When I was young and unsure
Releasing me to find the path
My test to become or undone

Then men arrived and my world changed
I walked through towns
Undetected by everything but one cat
Who hissed when I went by
Wanting everything even without need

Like the humans, they claimed everything 
Watching tasting learning the ways of men
Took the risk and donned a body
So we could blend in without question

Their rituals were intriguing 
When the fire burned out the body
It was buried deep and left to sleep
For some reason most could never see
The portion of life they called soul

Yet finally those they called dead
Saw and spoke to me
Following me from place to place
Trying to garner truth of what happened
Why families chose not to see

So I took them to my heart
Taught them truths they had failed to see
To love and give freely to those who hurt
Offering up a part of each of us
So those on the other side 
Knew they were not alone

It is the living we wait upon
To join us here, the place of no fear
Some name it heaven, some paradise
For me it is just home 
I have been away far too long

© kismet 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Grace Reborn

Grace Reborn

We met on a tragic occasion
Through the tears of pain
You captured my gaze and smiled
For that one moment I felt as if the worst was over
A sound in the distance, a song?
Yes! Amazing Grace was heard growing louder as more voices join 
Did you notice how our vocals matched so perfectly
Hope rebuilt, renewed by grace, Amazing!

© Kismet 6/9/2010

Posted via email from kismet's posterous

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fate's Hammer

Fate's Hammer

Hallowed be thy name
Well until you make a wrong turn
The path comes to a dead end
Time is running out hurry hurry
The cries of the lost angels
Bleeding from wounds
Inflicted by fate's power
Swift and mighty
The hammer of justice
Brings down the evil doers
Rejoice now ye who hath been faithful
Thy rod in your hand can be released
Until the need is past
The end of hatred
Peace and love
Drift slowly across the land
Beautiful rainbows appear
Voices are raised in song
Time has slowed as the cries
Of the bleeding ones rise
From this day forth
Fate's  promise kept
The mighty will of the people
Have taken Thor's hammer
Until the end, time cries
Bleeding from fate's mighty hammer

©kismet 4/26/10

Posted via email from kismet's posterous

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parade of Pain

Parade of Pain

Watching the parade of pain go by
People so contorted they no longer look human
Stuck inside the pain
Some reveling in theirs
Since it is all that defines them

No learning or growing
Just endless recycling misery that has become life
Alternating between bitterness grief and wretchedness
As if not one happy moment has ever intruded into their world

Wallowing in the pain as in the mud
Blaming the world
Demanding love because they are so ugly
They must be beautiful
Their point of view reinforced
The men who want them on their back
Women who slept their way to the bottom
All keeping the martyrdom alive

Why grow from your anguish
When you wear it so well
Writing words that keep them coming back for more
So what you never heal
Everyone loves you
Who cares that your children are now damaged too
Everyone loves you and now they can join the parade

So start a club to see who was abused the most
Who took it and took it and took it and took it
Let's glorify it but never move passed it
The parents were mean and drunk so it's come to this
Now the circle continues on
In ten years it will be your children
About whom I write
As no one wants to heal or heed the call of the past
All that is left is someone to blame

So I sit on the sidelines
No longer sure that I can care about you
When you won't even try
Telling me in private how you want to be real
Tired of the fake laughter and the sex jokes
Then in public acting so different

Your club seems to be growing as more hurt angry people join
The pain reflecting off each others
Feeding it until it grows so large I fear it will devour the world
Funerals held for those who followed Sylvia Plath's path
Feeling angry at the writer of words I understand

What the hope is today in this the month of death
Is that you try to release some pain and anger
Maybe forgive just one person that hurt you
Mourn the past but remember it's gone and start a future
Measure some love to yourself and your children
Wash off the dirt stand up and move on
Fight until you can forgive this unforgiving world
Then you begin to breath and live free

© kismet 2009

Posted via email from kismet's posterous

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Broken Barbie Doll

Faceless Nameless
Does anyone even care
I am just another of the forgotten
Abandoned in a world with out hope
A broken Barbie doll
On a dirty street corner

Yes there were dreams
Once upon a time
Laughter came easily
When my face belonged to me
Before my soul was cracked
My heart broken and step on

The mirror is repellent now
The monster staring back is me
Used abused it no longer matters
Broken I am lost to the world
All that remains a series of masks
My armor to shield me from the pain

© kismet 2009