Thursday, February 20, 2014

Alone in the Dark

So it starts again
The glimmer of hope
Snatched away
Almost in your hands
Then gone like a shadow
The smiling,lying faces
How many times can you fight
Before weariness over takes you
How strong must I be
This alone
In the dark
Give me the pain
I will take the rage
But does it have to be always
This alone
In the dark
Tonight life feels endless
Betrayed by my own thoughts
Killed by emotions long dormant
Wanting to belong again
After so long not caring
Couldn't I have just stayed away
I will never fit in
I am alone
In the dark
I am dead
Some one just forgot to tell me

© kismet 2009

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Stupeflix Video 24

A video made of my art and things I found on the web. The music I composed is called Just a rock opera.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


New blog

To Those (Honor)

There is also honor in those who wait
The one's who sit home and pray
That it won't be their loved one
That meet the wrong side of a bullet
Roadside bomb or downed helicopter
These people don't have the action To keep them going,
Or a brother in a bunker
To depend on
What they have is hope faith love
FEAR and honor
As they wait
Hoping they don't get that phone call or letter
"Sorry we regret to inform you ...."
There is honor in those that keep the children calm
When daddy or mommy goes to war
Without coming home

There is honor in a parents pride and worry
As they wonder but say nothing Dealing with the changed human being That returns from war
To Those, Honor

All honor to my brave soldier
That he can remain true to his cause
Also to himself in this time of darkness
Let him know we understand that sometimes
Coming home is the hardest part of all
After seeing the things you have To look at a playground not covered in blood
Knowing the mere words could not explain
Feeling a stranger in your own world
All honor goes to those given time to heal
To those who serve
To those who wait
To those we lost
Honor and a hope for peace

© kismet 2009

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